
Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Musings - What I Need to Write

It's Monday Musings time and I'm late because of the day from hell. Seriously, it's a wonder I'm still awake. But anyway, be sure to check out the other Monday Musings Lovelies, Kirsti Jones, Tess Grant and Lynn Dozema and  see what's on their lists.

I don't really need much to be able to get down to work and start writing. Mostly, I jut need my computer. It's gotten to the point where I have trouble composing away from the keyboard. At this point, it feels like an extension of my brain. I *can* write on paper, but I find that it tends to be more of an outline as opposed actual writing.

Other than that, I don't need much.

Except, you know...tea. I need a lot of tea.

And sometimes coffee.

I'm not one of those people that needs complete silence to write. After all, I did daycare for years, so typically chaos doesn't faze me. But every once in a while, I have a day where I can't focus, so if it's one of those days where I'm easily distracted by the outside world, I need headphones and music.

And the last thing I need are friends. Friends to bounce ideas off of, share excitement with and yep, sometimes to whine to when things aren't going as well. Writing is a very solitary profession and friends are one of the biggest necessities of all.


  1. Don't worry, I'm late too.

    Friends are an absolute must--well said!

  2. I agree! You have to have writer friends. That's a big reason I joined the writer's group- to find people that "get it." :)

    1. It's so much harder to function with people who don't get it - we need our tribe. :)
